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Manuka Honey MGO Explained

The MGO and UMF certifications around Manuka honey can be confusing. In this article we’ll explain everything simply so you can make the best and healthiest choice for you.

When I first started looking into Manuka honey I was confused by all of the certifications. What is MGO? Does it make the honey healthier? Is it worth paying extra for a high MGO honey? Hopefully we can clear up some of these questions with some simple explanations.

Let’s start with what MGO actually is. It’s a measure of how much methylglyoxal is contained within the honey. Methylglyoxal is an organic compound that is sought after in Manuka for its antibacterial effects. The higher the MGO level the stronger and more potent its antibacterial effect will be. MGO has been shown in a variety of studies to be an antimicrobial agent that works against biofilms (which are a bacterial self-defence mechanism).

MGO is arguably the most ‘active’ ingredient in Manuka honey so its value is often prominently displayed on the jar. However, there are other components within Manuka honey, and part of the reason this type of honey is so effective against bacteria is because of its complex make-up. Honey actually poses so much of a challenge against bacteria that there has been no published study that has found a bacteria that has managed to build up resistance to it (Source).

The UMF rating looks at more than just MGO, and uses a 4 factor test, potency, authenticity, shelf life, and freshness. The potency factor is merely testing for the presence of MGO, with the other factors testing for different chemical compounds in the honey. Usually these other chemical components go hand in hand with a good quality Manuka honey containing MGO, so sometimes it’s simpler to just check the MGO number.

Now that you understand a bit about the science behind it, you’ll be able to see why high MGO honey has a few areas in which it really excels. Firstly, as a wound dressing - it was common in the past for cuts and grazes to be treated with honey, and for good reason. High MGO honey provides the perfect conditions for a wound to heal, it’s moist, provides a barrier to the atmosphere, is antibacterial, stimulates the immune system, and is an anti-inflammatory (Source). This practice has since fallen out of fashion as antibiotic therapies came to light, but as we know these therapies aren’t perfect and bacteria and infections can build resistance to them.

MRSA interacting with a human neutrophil

MRSA interacting with a human neutrophil

With this being said, you’ll be able to guess that high MGO honey is actually a great thing to use alongside a course of antibiotics, potentially forming a synergistic effect with it. This study found 3 antibiotics that form a synergistic combination with an MGO containing Manuka honey.

So, in short, a high MGO Manuka honey does make its effects healthier and is worth paying the extra for. I’ve tried to gather the best and highest MGO honey on this website so you can quickly find an authentic option for yourself. But any questions please do not hesitate to reach out.

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