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High MGO Manuka Honey for Wound Care and Healing

Wound Care is the best use for manuka honey, especially high MGO honey. The honey is used as gel that a dressing can be applied to, forming a protective barrier

Honey's tissue-regenerating properties have been examined in a number of studies, and can contribute to every stage involved in wound healing (Source).

Type of Honey

However, not all honey is capable or as safe to use on wounds as the correct type, so it's important to learn the difference. Table honey found in supermarkets is sometimes used in lieu of more expensive products, but it has been found to be less effective in destroying wound pathogens and found to contain more microbial spores than the correct types (Source).

Medical-grade Honey

Medical-grade honey is usually pure manuka honey, but the difference is it has usually undergone a gamma-sterilization process (Source). The composition of medical-grade honey can vary, but its activity is commonly centered around the presence of MGO—the main component responsible for the honey's anti-microbial effect (Source).

Effects of Manuka Honey on Wounds

There are various studies that have shown the beneficial effects of medical grade high MGO honey being applied to wounds:

  1. Honey: A biologic wound dressing
  2. Medical-Grade Honey as an Alternative Treatment for Antibiotics in Non-Healing Wounds
  3. Honey: An Advanced Antimicrobial and Wound Healing Biomaterial for Tissue Engineering Applications
  4. Improving Antibiotic Activity against Wound Pathogens with Manuka Honey In Vitro

The studies above talk not only about MGO in manuka honey providing an antibacterial effect, but also discuss the evidence for honey's immune stimulating effects, accelerated wound closure, and improved wound healing time (Source).

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