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Effects of High MGO Manuka Honey on the Immune System

Findings of two studies look at Manuka honey's potentially immune stimulating effects. These interesting discoveries no doubt calling for further research.

More and more studies are being undertaken to look at the potential medicinal properties of manuka honey.

This study looks at Methylglyoxal (MGO) containing honey, discusses and provides evidence for its various biological roles. The main areas looked at are: antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antibiotic, antiviral, antiulcer, wound-healing, its immune stimulating effects and antitumor abilities.

The effects on the immune system response were carried out in the lab rather than in actual human subjects. The study found both positive and negative evidence towards its anti-inflammatory effects in this test, but regardless, did observe an immune-stimulating effect from the manuka honey. Proteins involved in the immune response were produced in greater numbers by the immune system cells.

Another study also found that a certain component of manuka honey stimulates immune cells via TLR4 (a key activator of the immune system, especially against bacterial infections).

It’s too early to draw firm conclusions from, but both of these studies are revealing exciting components and mechanisms within manuka honey that will guide further research into its effects on the immune system. This could be especially useful for people that suffer with chronic wounds or inflammation.

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